AMS Announcements 9/22/14

cobras300Cobra Caughtcha Winners: 6th:Vivianna Baty 7th: Zach Adler 8th: Sara Fuson

Noontime Volleyball today:

  • Peairs 1 v. Peairs 2
  • Anderson/Pace v. Bilbao

Attention P.E. students:  This is Make Up Mile Week.  Students who need to make up a missed mile or fitness run may do so any day this week at lunch.  12:40 on the track at the mile start line.  12:05 on wednesday.  A P.E. teacher will be there to record your time.

Science bowl will meet today in room 101 at 12:35pm.  All students are welcome.

Newspaper club meeting today at lunch.

6th graders please meet in the back corner of the library at 12:20.  Bring your lunch.

7th and 8th graders meet in room 203.

Youth Activism will hold their first meeting on Thursday, September 25th during lunch in room 204. Come if you are interested in making a difference!

Students, please no balls in the courtyard.  Thanks!

Reminder: If you have classes in Portables 2,3 4, or 5, please do not walk to or from those classes on the sidewalk in front of school. Please go through campus only. Thank you.

Have a wonderful day!