AMS Announcements 9/25/14

cobras300Cobra Caughtcha Winners: 6th:Tamsin Urbas; 7th:Lhagva Damdinbazar; 8th: Alex Cortez

Please excuse the 7A and 8A volleyball teams today at 2:45 for their games against Walnut Creek Intermediate.  Players must be dressed in uniform, and ready to board the bus at 2:55 sharp.  Go Cobras!

Attention Sound Crew:  Important training today in 202  at 12:35.  Please BRING your lunch

Student ID’s will be distributed at lunch . 8th grade ID’s will be available today and 7th grade tomorrow. Thank you.

Noontime Volleyball today

  • Pearis 1 v. Fryer
  • Peairs 2 v. Morris

Youth Activism will hold their first meeting today, September 25th during lunch in room 204. Come if you are interested in making a difference!

Attention P.E. students:  This is Make Up Mile Week.  Students who need to make up a missed mile or fitness run may do so any day this week at lunch.  12:40 on the track at the mile start line.  A  P.E. teacher will be there to record your time.

Reminder: If you use the skateboard racks remember to take your lock off each time you remove your skateboard or scooter. Leaving locks attached to the hoops makes it impossible for others to use the racks. Next week, if we see locks left on the the racks we will cut them off.