Welcome to the new PTA digest! Every two weeks, we’ll be sending out important reminders, dates, and information related to the AMS PTA. For this week…

  • PTA meeting this Tuesday, November 17 in the AMS library. General meeting from 7:00-7:30. Parent Education night with Abby Medcalf (Raising Drug Free Children) from 7:30-8:30pm.
  • Open PTA positions : Volunteer Coordinator, Online Auction Chair, and Farmigo Coordinator (AMS could be the pick up site for delicious, local, sustainable food). Please contact June Daniels ( if you are interested in any of these positions.
  • 2nd Annual Cobrathon Kickoff the Week of November 16th

    Support Your Albany Middle School PTA!

    This year, the main goal of our Cobrathon fundraising drive is to purchase a new cart with 32 brand-new Chromebooks for our students’ use. To support this important need, we are asking that each family contribute $100. Please give what you can: $50, $25 – any amount is gladly appreciated and welcome. The goal is to support our school with 100 percent Cobrathon participation! You will be receiving a letter and envelope in the mail and can drop your donations in the Cobrathon box in the office. Thank you for your support!

Ways to stay connected: