Coach 8th grade writers at Albany Middle School
The WriterCoach Connection supplies about 60 volunteer coaches, whom they train, to coach all eighth-graders at Albany Middle School from late January through March, in a very successful program that has been thriving at AMS for a decade.
WCC coaches report it is very satisfying to be a committed reader of student writing, helping two or three students over eight weeks with brainstorming, organizing to write, and motivation, as much as with the mechanics of writing, revision, and polishing. You don’t need to be an English major or a teacher to do this job well! Time commitment is six hours of training and about two hours per week of coaching.
Email WCC Site Coordinators for AMS, Mary Flaherty and Nick Keefe, at for more information. Or visit where you can also register for training.
Sign up now to get a spot in the Dec. 4 & 11 training session or one of the January training sessions.