WriterCoach Connection Looking for Coaches

Coach 8th grade writers at Albany Middle School

The WriterCoach Connection supplies about 60 volunteer coaches, whom they train, to coach all eighth-graders at Albany Middle School from late January through March, in a very successful program that has been thriving at AMS for a decade.

WCC coaches report it is very satisfying to be a committed reader of student writing, helping two or three students over eight weeks with brainstorming, organizing to write, and motivation​,​ as much as with ​the mechanics of writing, revision, and ​polishing. You don’t need to be an English major or a teacher to do this job well! Time commitment is six hours of training and about two hours per week of coaching.

Email WCC Site Coordinators for AMS,​ Mary Flaherty and Nick Keefe, at amscoaching@gmail.com for more information. Or visit www.writercoachconnection.org where you can also register for training.

Sign up now to get a spot in the Dec. 4 & 11 training session or one of the January training sessions.