PTA Digest 12/14

We hope you are gearing up for a lovely break. But before we get there, PTA has some reminders and announcements.

  • This Wednesday, help send our AMS teachers off with their hearts and stomachs full of appreciation. Check out what slots are still open for our Teacher Appreciation lunch.

  • Cobrathon is here! This year, the main goal of our Cobrathon fundraising drive is to purchase a new cart with 32 brand-new Chromebooks for our students. To support this important need, we are asking that each family contribute $100. Please give what you can: $50, $25 – any amount is gladly appreciated and welcome. Please keep an eye out for our letter in the mail and can drop your donations in the Cobrathon box in the office or send the envelopes back in. Thank you for your support!

  • This Wednesday, help send our AMS teachers off with their hearts and stomachs full of appreciation. Check out what slots are still open for our Teacher Appreciation lunch.

  • There is still time to help the AMS Library. The deadline is 12/31/15. 100% of your donation is used to purchase new books for the library, and this is the ONLY funding source the library receives.

  • If you are doing any last minute online shopping, please consider using, where a portion of your payment can support AMS. Choose “Albany Middle PTA” as your organization.

  • The WriterCoach Connection is still looking for volunteers. Check out more information about this great opportunity to work one-on-one with 8th graders at There are training sessions coming up in January.

  • Next PTA meeting Tues, Jan. 19 from 7-8:30. Mark your calendars!