6th Grade Potlucks Start This Week!

Welcome 6th Grade Families


The Albany Middle School PTA invites you to join families from your child’s homeroom for a potluck dinner.  Come celebrate the start of the school year, a new school and a new community.  AMS PTA will provide plates, napkins, utensils and cups.  This is a great way to meet the AMS families in your child’s class!   It’s not necessary to sign up for a dish in order to attend.  Just bring your family and a dish to share.   Please no nuts!  Everyone is welcome!

These homeroom classes will gather together to have dinner:

6th Grade Potluck

Monday, 9/26: Morris & Loftus

Tuesday, 9/27: Pace & Clark

Wednesday, 9/28: Anderson & Mann

Thursday, 9/29: Reid, Penney & Backowski

Thursday, 10/6: Bryndza & Fryer

Time:  6:30 – 7:30pm

Location:  Outdoor Courtyard Lunch area