AMS PTA Meeting – Thursday 5/9 and LCAP Presentation

Please join us at our next from 7-8:30 PM in the AMS Library.
Over the last few years, you’ve probably heard about LCAP: The Local Control and Accountability Plan. But what exactly does that mean, and why should you come to the AMS PTA meeting to hear about it?
In a nutshell: Imagine being able to provide input and help influence AUSD’s educational priorities and budgetary spending. That’s what the LCAP process does.
In July 2013, Governor Jerry Brown signed a new school funding model into law. This new plan is known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), and it requires school districts like AUSD to develop an LCAP that guides priorities in the budget development process.
Each district’s LCAP must be built around eight priority areas identified by the California Department of Education:
-Access to core services
-Implementation of Common Core State Standards
-Access to a broad course of study
-Student achievement
-Other student outcomes
-Student engagement
-Parent involvement
-School climate
But while these priority areas are dictated by the State, the specific goals and targets within each area are largely determined by each school district.
In other words, LCAP helps ensure that AUSD — not Sacramento — will have more authority to spend precious resources in a way that is better aligned with the needs of the Albany community and our students.
So please join us on Thursday, May 8 at 7pm to learn more about Albany’s LCAP. Thank you.