Albany Middle School PTA Association Meeting

Albany Middle School PTA Association Meeting

April 14, 2022

Association Meeting: 7:00-7:30 

Enrollment Presentation: 7:30-8:00

AMS PTA Meeting 4/14/22

  1. Preliminary Matters
    1. Welcome: Dayna Inkeles, PTA President 
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Financial Transaction: Dayna Inkeles, PTA President 
  3. Other Action Items 
    1. Approval of Meeting Minutes: Payal Sampat, PTA Secretary
  4. Fundraisers and Upcoming Events 
    1. Spring Soiree Update, Dayna Inkeles, PTA President 
    1. Updating the AMS Counselors Office, Dayna Inkeles, PTA President
    1. Nominations Committee / PTA Board Elections 2022/2023: Payal Sampat, PTA Secretary
    1. Teacher Breakfast in the Garden: Wednesday, April 20
    1. Parent Education, Thursday, May 26/22: Raising Good Digital Citizens
  5. Meeting Adjournment
  • Enrollment Presentation: Kim Trutane, Support Services Coordinator AUSD

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1. Go to and sign into your regular Amazon account 

2. Once you log in a page will pop up asking you to “Select a Charitable Organization to Start Shopping”

3. Under “pick your own charitable organization” type Albany Middle PTA